Barely a week after iconic singer, Whitney Houston was buried, her black floor-length velvet dress valued at $1,000, vest listed at $400, and the faux-pearl earrings which cost about $600 she wore in 'The Bodyguard', have been put up for auction.
The auction which will be available to fans will be online, by phone or in person during the "Hollywood Legends" auction on March 31 and April 1 will also be shown during a free public exhibition beginning March 19 at Julien's Auctions in Beverly Hills, Calif, not to far from the Beverly Hilton Hotel where Houston died.
The items according to celebrity auctioneer, Darren Julien became available after her unexpected death and would go to the highest bidder next month.
"It will be included among a long-planned sale of Hollywood memorabilia such as Charlie Chaplin's cane, Clark Gable's jacket from "Gone With the Wind" and Charlton Heston's staff from "The Ten Commandments." She added.
On why the move is early as she was buried not too long, she said that, "it's a celebration of her life, If you hide these things in fear that you're going to offend someone — her life is to be celebrated. These items are historic now that she passed. They become a part of history. They should be in museums. She's lived a life and had a career that nobody else has ever had. Houston is "someone who's going to maintain a collectability. " She affirmed.

Source: MSN


Ololade is a passionate writer, Loyal Nigerian and Creative Director of Loladeville .

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