BY: Sadiku Bukola

For so long I have been living in the shadow of myself, living the life that people tell me to live, upgraded and downgraded by the rules and regulations of this world. I have been manipulated, and misused. Instead of living by who I am, I have been living my life through the eyes of man.

Life has been a game and people are using me as their avatar. Taking me apart piece by piece, changing my skin from black to white, dying my hair from black to brown, they have changed my clothes from my size 2 two sizes lesser. My character has gone from christlike 2 antichrist like.

Who am I kidding my habits no longer preach Jesus, its now salt 2 his injuries. Me myself and I no longer dare 2 be different ,no- no...see, now I blend in. Its like I'm on broadway a one man show of me and many roles I am.

Slowly and gradually they fed me lies, they pumped me up with the pleasures of this world I got carried away wit the cares of life. Now look at me- look what I've become. They've taken me apart now, all that's left of me is nothing.

I don't even know where 2 start and again I ask these same people please can you put me back together, but of what good was that, they only succeeded in making me worse. Now, I'm ere in so many tiny pieces dat I can't put back together 2 define me.

Fanny brice said
Let the world know you as you are not as you think you should be because sooner or later if you are posing, u will forget the pose, and then where are you.


Ololade is a passionate writer, Loyal Nigerian and Creative Director of Loladeville .

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