"Give freely to the world these gifts of love and compassion. Do not concern yourself with how much you receive in return, just know in your heart it will be returned."
― Steve Maraboli
Funke Badru a 21 year old ex student of Moshood Abiola Polytechnic was in july, 2011 diagnosed in the University College hospital (UCH) Ibadan of having a tumour disturbing the function of the eyes causing symptoms like double vision. She was placed on drugs for a few weeks and on september 3rd 2011, she was rushed to the hospital. On september 11, she was rolled in for surgery, her first surgery. That would have been the end of it, but one Doctor Akinbo made a wrong cut. Her consultant, Professor Malomo recommended another surgery, but for fear that it might not be a success, she declined. She remained in the hospital for about three months where her condition got worse and she was admitted again on November 10. Because of the delay, infection had set in and a skull x-ray revealed that some bones in her head were now infected. At this stage, the wound had started to emit a discharge with pungent odour.

The doctors then detected that there was still a tumour close to the brain and for fear of risk, she was referred to Eko Hospital, Ikeja for radiotherapy (the equipment in UCH were faulty at the time).
She spent another 3 months there. This whole process has gulped about 3.5 million naira raised mostly from family and friends. Now, she requires TWO MILLION for final treatment which would include removal of the tumour and Cosmetic surgery to fix the bone problem.She has dropped out of school due to this illness. She sought financial aid from the Ogun State government and Ogun state Ministry of Health, but got no positive response.

She's however calling on everyone out there to help her raise the money so she could become healthy again and go back to school. Your widow's mite will go a long way.

ACCOUNT NAME: BADRU FUNKE ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0039655315You can reach Funke on 08069388103.Thanks and God Bless.



Ololade is a passionate writer, Loyal Nigerian and Creative Director of Loladeville .

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