18-year-old Nneoma Anosike has edged out 14 other contestants to win the 2013 edition of Elite Model Look Nigeria. She was declared winner at the grand finale held yesterday, September 29 2013 at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos.
Part of her prizes include a modeling contract with Elite Model Management Worldwide, two years contract with Beth Model Management Africa and an all-Expense paid trip to Paris, with $1,000 shopping spree. She will also join finalists from over 80 countries in the World finale that will take place in Shenzen, China on November 27.
Part of her prizes include a modeling contract with Elite Model Management Worldwide, two years contract with Beth Model Management Africa and an all-Expense paid trip to Paris, with $1,000 shopping spree. She will also join finalists from over 80 countries in the World finale that will take place in Shenzen, China on November 27.
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