Still on the Mourinho and Wenger matter. So, here's a history of crossfires between the two coaches. And from the look of things both Managers are not ironing out their creases anytime soon.

August 2005
Wenger accuses Mourinho of being ultra-defensive. "I know we live in a world where we have only winners and losers, but once a sport encourages teams who refuse to take the initiative, the sport is in danger."

October 2005
Jose does not take insults lying low, "Wenger has a real problem with us and I think he is what you call in England a voyeur. He is someone who likes to watch other people. There are some guys who, when they are at home, have this big telescope to look into the homes of other people and see what is happening. Wenger must be one of them – it is a sickness."

November 2005
Arsene lashes out at the Portuguese. "He's out of order, disconnected with reality and disrespectful. When you give success to stupid people, it makes them more stupid sometimes and not more intelligent."

November 2005
Mourinho revisits old rivalries. "At Stamford Bridge, we have a file of quotes from Mr Wenger about Chelsea football club in the last 12 months – it is not a file of five pages. It is a file of 120 pages."
April 2007
Wenger accuses Mourinho of being a chequebook manager. "If you would like to compare every manager you give each one the same amount of resources and say 'you have that for five years'. After five years you see who has done the most."

April 2008
Mourinho despite being sacked by Chelsea still finds time to continue the tirade, "The English like statistics a lot. Do they know that Arsene Wenger has only 50 per cent of wins in the English league?"
December 2013
Mourinho accuses Arsenal players of having a "tradition of crying". "You know, they like to cry. That's tradition. But I prefer to say, and I was telling it to the fourth official, that English people – Frank Lampard, for example – would never provoke a situation like that."
January 2014
Wenger airs his view about Mourinho selling Juan Mata to Manchester United.
"Chelsea have already played twice against Man United, they could have sold him last week. I think if you want to respect the fairness for everybody, this should not happen."

January 2014
Jose overlooks Arsene's complaint and insists the fixture is in Arsenal's favour.
"Wenger complaining is normal because he always does. Normally he should be happy that Chelsea sold a player like Juan Mata, but this is a little bit his nature. I think what is not fair is that his team always has the best days to play."
February 2014
Arsene Wenger's response after Mourinho downplayed Chelsea's chances of winning the title. "It is very open, only Chelsea can lose it now because they are in front and all the other teams can win it. I've always said many teams are in it and it will be very tight until the end."
The acidic Mourinho reply the world is still talking about, "He is a specialist in failure. I'm not, If supposedly he is right and I'm afraid to fail, it's because I haven't failed many times. Maybe he's right. Maybe I'm not used to failing. The reality is he is a specialist. Eight years without a piece of silverware, that's failure. If I do that at Chelsea, eight years, I leave London and I don't come back."
Arsene is calm this time around but still drives his point home. "I won't comment on silly disrespectful remarks, I never spoke about him in my press conferences and I won't start. It's more embarrassing for Chelsea than for me."

The End....(Till another round comes



Ololade is a passionate writer, Loyal Nigerian and Creative Director of Loladeville .

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  1. Final scores. Mou 8- Arsene 5. Mourinho's replies are deeper than Arsene's.

  2. @loladeville......well captured. As far as I am concerned, there is no end to this anytime soon. Mourinho is a an intelligent coach but can be silly and disrepectful at times

  3. The truth of the matter is no one talks shit about Mourinho and goes scot free, his replies are always larger than life. Mourinho in Portugal is the same Mourinho in England, Italy and Spain. He loves controversies. For now, I think Wenger being the older coach should always overlook his nasty comments, but I doubt if they'll ever stop ranting.

  4. The funniest insults for me; Aug, Oct and Nov 2005 and Feb 2014.
