India's most popular actor, Amitabh Bachchan is back on track. The lanky and handsome actor who became prominent after his lead role in action-adventure film 'Sholay' is back home after a successful abdominal surgery on February 11, 2012.
The Bollywood legend who has featured in over 180 movies posted this on his blog,
"Am back home in familiar surroundings, gently taking in all that now engulfs me. The surgery discomfort and soreness persists, but will take a while to finally erase itself from the pain glands."
According to reports, the 69-year-old actor's abdominal pain started while shooting an action scene on the set years back.
"Home. A joy to be back in familiar surroundings... thank you all for your blessings and prayers... I made it again." He tweeted.


Ololade is a passionate writer, Loyal Nigerian and Creative Director of Loladeville .

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